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[thumbnail of Librarywebsite.pptx]
The library web site
Presentation on the library web group and how it manages our website. Looks at design, management and the need for a style guide.

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[thumbnail of Website Style Guide.pdf] [thumbnail of Website Style Guide.docx]
GCU Library web site style guide.
A general guide for the use of the library web group.

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[thumbnail of Copyright for researchers.pptx]
Copyright and your thesis
Presentation explaining the copyright issues that apply to your thesis. Also includes information on Creative Commons licensing and open educational resources. Based on original material created by Dr Jane Secker, LSE.

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[thumbnail of Discussion between Marion Kelt and Sam Ellis on copyright.mp4]
Discussion between Marion Kelt and Sam Ellis on copyright
A discussion between Marion Kelt and Sam Ellis on copyright issues, primarily for an audience of new lecturers.

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[thumbnail of ECIL2016.pptx]
Parallel Lines: a Look at Some Common Issues in the Development, Repurposing and Use of Online IL Training Resources.
PowerPoint presentation given at ECIL2016. Based on upcoming book chapter. Summarises results of mini literature review and presents an interpretation based on practical experience.

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[thumbnail of GCU Interim Open Educational Resources Policy Approved by EB 19 05 15 v2.pdf] [thumbnail of GCU Interim Open Educational Resources Policy Approved by EB 19 05 15 v2.docx]
GCU Open Educational Resources Policy
Policy developed by a working group chaired by Marion Kelt. For more information contact Marion Kelt or the Collections and discovery Team in the library. This is a full university policy, presented in an interim format. Links updated 8 August 2016.

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[thumbnail of 2007-01-14 012.JPG]
Louie on the stairs
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[thumbnail of 2007-01-14 002.JPG]
Relax with Louie
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[thumbnail of Gingecase2.JPG]
Ginge in a suitcase
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[thumbnail of gingehouse.gif]
Ginge in his house
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[thumbnail of Library support plan for researchers 2016.docx]

[thumbnail of ECIL2016.pptx]
Parallel Lines
Powerpoint presentation summarising the results of a small scale literature review focusing on issues faced by developers of online information literacy resources.

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[thumbnail of ALCcopyrightplain.pptx] [thumbnail of ALCcopyright.pptx]
+1 more...

[thumbnail of SMIRKALTC.pptx]
Growing a SMIRK
Presentation describing the development of SMIRK (the mobile SMILE).

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[thumbnail of impact2014.pptx]
Assessing the Impact our Information Literacy Skills Packages (SMILE - Study Methods and Information Literacy Exemplars) and PILOT (Postgraduate Information Literacy Online Training).
Presentation to Customer Services Practitioner event "Do you know the impact of your services?" 26 March 2014.

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[thumbnail of 8stepstoOER(OER15).pptx]
8 Steps to OER
Powerpoint describing the steps taken towards adopting a university OER policy.

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[thumbnail of ALTC2015.pptx]
Our New OER policy: What We did Next
Describes the steps the DDIL team took to promote the GCU OER policy and how we aim to build it in to everyday practice.

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[thumbnail of SCURLposter.ppt] [thumbnail of HLG poster.ppt]
GCU 24-7 Search Skills
Posters shown at HLG and SCURL conferences referring to GCU library's 24-7 database tutor.

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[thumbnail of]
SMIRK - the Wee Mobile SMILE.
SMIRK is a mobile friendly version of the online information literacy resource SMILE. It covers information literacy and communication skills, with added information on copyright and research skills.

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[thumbnail of]
Information and digital literacy skills package aimed at postgraduates, post-doctoral students and other researchers. Features revised copyright section to reflect the recent changes in the law and highlight OERs. The start file is called serve_home2.html. If you have any problems with it, please contact Marion Kelt at I will be happy to help. Original package produced by Imperial College, London. Link provided is to the new, mobile friendly version of PILOT.

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[thumbnail of]
Online information literacy and communication skills package with more accessible menu and file structure. Added multimedia content. Start page in base directory, called start.html. Link provided is to the new mobile friendly version of this package.

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[thumbnail of gcu-a0b2i1-a.mp4]
The Benefits of Poster Presentations at Conferences
Shashi Paul talks about the benefits of poster presentations at conferences to your research profile

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[thumbnail of gcu-a0b2i0-a.mp4]
The Creation and Benefits of a Project Website
Richard Snape talks about the creation and benefits of a project web site for your research. Open educational resource

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[thumbnail of gcu-a0b2h6-a.mp4]
Promoting Your Work in the Visual Arts
Steve Dutton explains how to promote your works as a visual artist. Produced by East Midlands Research group as open educational resource

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[thumbnail of gcu-a0b2h7-a.mp4]
The Use of Posters
Bob John speaks about the academic advantages of producing a poster. Open educational resource.

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[thumbnail of gcu-a0b2h9-a.mp4]
The Benefits of Creating Your Own Website
Gabriel Egan talks about the benefits to your research of creating your own website. Open educational resource.

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[thumbnail of gcu-a0b2h8-a.mp4]
Websites as a Promotional Tool
Bob John speaks about the use of websites as a promotional tool for your research. Open educational resource.

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[thumbnail of gcu-a0a8o9-a.mp4] [thumbnail of gcu-a0a8p0-a.mp4]
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SMILE: Life on Campus
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[thumbnail of gcu-a0a8o8-a.mp4]
SMILE: I, Student.
A production by RADA Enterprises and Imperial College London.

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