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Items where Year is 2017

Number of items: 155.

[thumbnail of hello.txt] [thumbnail of CReaTE step by step guide 2016.pdf]
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Just a test record, not a lot to see here.
This is a simple test record

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 9: Set Theory - Part 2
In the sets we have seen up to now the elements are not listed in any particular order. An ordered n-tuple is a list of n elements arranged in a specified order and enclosed in parenthesis rather than curly brackets.

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 9: Set Theory - Part 2
In the sets we have seen up to now the elements are not listed in any particular order. An ordered n-tuple is a list of n elements arranged in a specified order and enclosed in parenthesis rather than curly brackets.

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 9: Set Theory - Part 2
In the sets we have seen up to now the elements are not listed in any particular order. An ordered n-tuple is a list of n elements arranged in a specified order and enclosed in parenthesis rather than curly brackets.

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[thumbnail of wk12/index.html]

[thumbnail of GCU Prof Mark Stubbs.mp4]
Celebrating Excellence: Enhancing the Student Experience
Keynote speaker Prof Mark Stubbs of MMU outlines transformational change based on cross-university collaboration and its impact on an improved student experience.

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[thumbnail of GCU Prof Mark Stubbs.mp4]
Celebrating Excellence: Enhancing the Student Experience
Keynote speaker Prof Mark Stubbs of MMU outlines transformational change based on cross-university collaboration and its impact on an improved student experience.

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[thumbnail of Wk11/index.html]

[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 12 - Creating a Graphical User Interface
In this module you have been using the BlueJ IDE, which is ideal when you are learning to program in Java and work with classes and objects. However, you don’t need to use BlueJ to write programs, and most advanced and professional developers prefer to use one of a range of sophisticated IDEs that are available for Java and provide a wide range of features to make development as productive as possible and provide help with, for example, creating graphical user interfaces. This week you will learn to use NetBeans to create a simple graphical interface for a Java program.

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[thumbnail of wk6/index.html]

[thumbnail of ChrisMcmahon.mp3] [thumbnail of Dementia Patient Perspective.mp3]
+1 more...
Series of lectures on the background prevalence of dementia in the UK and real life examples from people living with dementia.

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[thumbnail of index.html]

[thumbnail of wk5/index.html]

[thumbnail of sim.mp4] [thumbnail of]
+15 more...
Vital Signs Monitor Clip
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[thumbnail of Ibrahim AlGhamdi.mp4]

[thumbnail of RonaBeatie.mp4] [thumbnail of AttitudesAndValues.mp4]

[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 8: Set Theory - Part 1
Whether we realise it or not we come across sets, in one form or another, on an almost daily basis. It may be the modules you are studying on your course, or the groceries that you bought in the supermarket last night, or even the teams that qualified for the last 16 of the Champions League in season 2016/17! These are all examples of sets. This unit presents an introduction to sets starting with some basic definitions and an overview of the different ways in which sets are represented. The concept of a subset is introduced and conditions for the equality of sets are given. Operations on sets such as union, intersection and complement are described with the aid of Venn diagrams. We then discuss further set operations including partitions and Cartesian products before briefly considering computer representation of sets. The unit closes with a look at the union and intersection of intervals of the real number line when these intervals are represented as sets.

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[thumbnail of IES_Wk9_Standards/index.html]
IES - Mauritius (Wk 9)
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[thumbnail of wk10_Ethics/index.html]
IES 1 - Mauritius (wk 10)
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[thumbnail of MVI_0032.m4v]

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Week 7 - Matrices Part 2
In this unit we continue with our work on matrices. We describe how to calculate the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix and introduce the condition for the existence of an inverse matrix. A formula for calculating the inverse of a 2 x 2 matrix is presented supported by examples. Some applications of matrices in the real-world are then given, including solving linear systems of algebraic equations, computer graphics, cryptography and the modelling of graphs and networks.

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[thumbnail of Introduction/index.html]

[thumbnail of Librarywebsite.pptx]
The library web site
Presentation on the library web group and how it manages our website. Looks at design, management and the need for a style guide.

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[thumbnail of StephenBrown.mp4] [thumbnail of Integration of Health and Social Care- QandA.mp4]

[thumbnail of videocontainer_margins.html]

[thumbnail of Assignment Guidance.mp3]
Assignment Guidance
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[thumbnail of Signposting Visual impariment services.mp3]

[thumbnail of lecture1.mp3]
Visual Impairment
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[thumbnail of Lynda for Student Association.mp4]
What is Lynda.Com?
Lynda.Com is an online learning platform that allows you to learn new skills and develop existing knowledge. This short video will introduce you to Lynda.Com as well as demonstrating how to access and make the most of it as a learning resource.

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[thumbnail of Packages.csv]
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[thumbnail of Bookings.csv]
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[thumbnail of Packages.csv]
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[thumbnail of Tours.csv]
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[thumbnail of Users.csv]
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[thumbnail of poster_presentation_interactive_2.html]
Poster Presentation
Interactive animation for Poster Presentation - Study Skills

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 6 - Matrices : Part 1
This unit introduces the theory and application of mathematical structures known as matrices. With the advent of computers matrices have become widely used in the mathematical modelling of practical real-world problems in computing, engineering and business where, for example, there is a need to analyse large data sets.

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[thumbnail of OSCE exemplar.mp4]
OSCE exemplar
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[thumbnail of OSCE exemplar.mp4]
OSCE exemplar
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[thumbnail of DavidAWylie.mp4]
Leadership: Problem or Solution
Lecture by David A. Wylie Podiatry Services Manager and Professional Lead NHS Glasgow

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[thumbnail of Website Style Guide.pdf] [thumbnail of Website Style Guide.docx]
GCU Library web site style guide.
A general guide for the use of the library web group.

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[thumbnail of Wk8_PDP/index.html]

[thumbnail of README EMphotosGCU v3 2017 Mar 7.docx] [thumbnail of GCU 15V Pwr Supply Trans 50VA #1a.JPG]
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Electric Machines, Photos, 2017
Use README file to see list of photos of transformers, motors, generators

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 5 - Vectors
This unit provides an introduction to vectors. We begin by defining what is meant by the term vector and describe how we distinguish vectors from scalars. The main properties of vectors are presented and the concept of a position vector is introduced. We then look at operations on vectors such as addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication both algebraically and graphically. The idea of a unit vector is introduced and we look at how to express the position vector of a point, in two and three dimensions, in Cartesian components using the standard unit vectors in the directions of the coordinate axes. The unit closes with a look at how to calculate the scalar (dot) product of two vectors.

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[thumbnail of Wk5_Marketing/index.html]

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[thumbnail of Dawn Skelton pt2.mp3]

[thumbnail of Dsawn Skelton pt1.mp3]
Falls Prevention
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[thumbnail of LianneMcInally.mp3]
Incidence of Elderly Falls
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[thumbnail of Module Overview/index.html]
IES 1 Mauritius (Overview)
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[thumbnail of overview/index.html]

[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 4 - Logarithms
The previous unit introduced the term exponent to represent the repeated multiplication of a number by itself. For example, the exponent tells us how many times we need to multiply the number 10 by itself to obtain 1000, i.e. three times as 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000. Here the base is 10 and the exponent is 3. We now consider the closely related topic of what power a number must be raised to in order to obtain another number. The number being raised to the power is called the base and value of the power is called the logarithm.

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[thumbnail of Lecture 11/index.html]



[thumbnail of Sequence 08.mp4]

[thumbnail of Sequence 07.mp4]
How has your career progressed since graduating?
Former student of Ophthalmic Dispensing talks about her career progression since graduating from GCU

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[thumbnail of Sequence 06.mp4]
Which area would you like to specialise in?
Student discusses the reasons for specialising in Ophthalmic Dispensing

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[thumbnail of Sequence 05.mp4]
What was the most positive aspect of your course?
Student Reflections on the most positive aspects of learning on the Ophthalmic Dispensing programme

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[thumbnail of Journal Paper DfS.mp4]
How to find a journal paper via library website
The example journal paper is: Susan Morrow, Iain Cameron & Billy Hare (2015) The effects of framing on the development of the design engineer: framing health and safety in design, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 11:5, 338-359

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[thumbnail of Sequence 03.mp4]

[thumbnail of Sequence 02.mp4]
Why did you choose this University?
Student recollections on why they chose GCU to study Orthoptics

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[thumbnail of Using the BrowZine App.pdf] [thumbnail of Using the BrowZine App.docx]
Using the BrowZine app
Short user guide to the BrowZine app.

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[thumbnail of nonacad.mp4]
Recommended non-academic resources
Highlighting good resources for companies and industry information - IBISWorld, Mintel, FAME and

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[thumbnail of ref and refworks.mp4]
Exporting to RefWorks and Referencing
Showing how to export to RefWorks from Discover, Proquest and Emerald. Edit results in RefWorks and create a reference list.

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[thumbnail of index.html]
IES 1 _ Mauritius (Intro)
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[thumbnail of Using My Bookshelf on BrowZine.pdf] [thumbnail of Using My Bookshelf on BrowZine.docx]
Using My Bookshelf on BrowZine
A step by step guide to the My Bookshelf function in BrowZine.

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[thumbnail of GCPH Social Research In The East End Final Edit .mov]
Research connecting communities
In this film, we set out to find out what difference social research has made to lives of people living in the East End of Glasgow. We spoke to different local groups and organisations to see what role research played in their plans, and what role research has to play in future.

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 3 - Indices and Exponentials
This section introduces indices, also known as powers or exponents. Indices provide a shorthand method for representing the repeated multiplication of an expression by itself. A good understanding of indices, and the associated laws of indices, is essential when it comes to applying algebraic manipulation to simplify and solve mathematical expressions and equations.

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[thumbnail of Section_12/index.html]

[thumbnail of Frank Crossan.mp4]

[thumbnail of robert/index.html]

[thumbnail of uploading to gcu learn v1a.mp4]
Camtasia: How to upload your Camtasia productions to GCU Learn
In this short video you will learn how to produce and upload your Camtasia productions to GCU Learn in a few simple steps.

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[thumbnail of Section_11/index.html]

[thumbnail of Applying a search.mp4]

[thumbnail of GCU.wmv]
Sample video of GCU
Sample video of GCU to use for practice

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Digital Storytelling
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Digital Storytelling
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Long-Term Conditions
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Long-Term Conditions
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[thumbnail of Global Perspective LTC.mp3]

[thumbnail of Overview of LTC.mp3]

[thumbnail of LTC module intro.mp3]

[thumbnail of 2 search strategy.mp4]
Creating an effective search strategy
Business Research Methods and Skills M3N222544

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[thumbnail of BRMaSfinding acad resources.mp4]
Finding academic resources - introduction
Business Research Methods and Skills M3N222544

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[thumbnail of how_to_get_help/how_to_get_help.html]
How to get ICT help
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[thumbnail of index.html]

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Week 3 - Agile Software Development (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies Week 3 lecture material on Agile Software Development

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 1 and 2 - Solving Equations
n this section we introduce the concept of an equation and present techniques for solving different types of equations. We firstly look at the algebraic solution of linear equations in one variable before moving on to simultaneous linear equations and then quadratic equations. In all cases a geometric interpretation is presented along with details on how to graph the relevant functions. At appropriate locations throughout the document links are provided to enable access to further resources at the Mathcentre and the Khan Academy websites.

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[thumbnail of Copyright for researchers.pptx]
Copyright and your thesis
Presentation explaining the copyright issues that apply to your thesis. Also includes information on Creative Commons licensing and open educational resources. Based on original material created by Dr Jane Secker, LSE.

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[thumbnail of Using GCU Learn.pdf] [thumbnail of The Student Homepage.pdf]
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ICT Skills - Supporting video documents
Documents to support videos within the ICT Skills section of GSBS LDC website

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[thumbnail of Student_homepage/Student_homepage.html]
Student Homepage video
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[thumbnail of Carpe Diem_GSBS_Jan2017.ppt]
GSBS Carpe Diem Session, 19 January 2017
Overview of Carpe Diem curriculum design session for online programmes

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[thumbnail of college_connect (high quality).mp4] [thumbnail of college_connect_cursor.mp4]
College Connect video
Short motion graphics video with student testimonials of College Connect, GCU.

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 1 - Introduction to Software Engineering (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab to accompany Week 1 -Introduction to Software Engineering lecture material

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Chapter 3 - Network Protocols and Communication (Activities)
This is the activities that accompany the lecture material Chapter 3 - Network Protocols and Communication

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Chapter 2 - Configure a Network Operating System (Activities)
This is the activities that accompany the lecture material Chapter 2 - Configure a Network Operating System

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Chapter 1 - Exploring the Network (Activities)
This is the activities that accompany the lecture material of Chapter 1 - Exploring the Network.

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Week 12 - Case Studies (Fundamentals of Software Engineering)
Ethical dilemmas Disagreement in principle with the policies of senior management. Your employer acts in an unethical way and releases a safety-critical system without finishing the testing of the system. Participation in the development of military weapons systems or nuclear systems. Case studies A personal insulin pump An embedded system in an insulin pump used by diabetics to maintain blood glucose control. A mental health case patient management system Mentcare. A system used to maintain records of people receiving care for mental health problems. A wilderness weather station A data collection system that collects data about weather conditions in remote areas. iLearn: a digital learning environment A system to support learning in schools

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 11 - Quality Management (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab for the Lecture material Week 11 - Quality Management

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 11 - Quality Management
Topics covered Software quality Software standards Reviews and inspections Quality management and agile development Software measurement (in brief)

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Week 10 - Introduction to Project Management and Planning (Tutorial)
This is the Tutorial for the Lecture material Week 10 - Introduction to Project Management and Planning

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 10 - Introduction to Project Management and Planning
Topics Covered Project Risk Management Managing People Teamwork

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Week 9 - Software Evolution (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab for the Lecture material Week 9 - Software Processes

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 9 - Software Evolution
Topics covered: Test-driven development Release testing User testing Evolution processes Legacy systems

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 8 - Software Testing (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the Lecture material Week 8 - Software Testing

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 8 - Software Testing
Testing can only show the presence of errors in a program. It cannot demonstrate that there are no remaining faults. Development testing is the responsibility of the software development team. A separate team should be responsible for testing a system before it is released to customers. Development testing includes unit testing, in which you test individual objects and methods component testing in which you test related groups of objects and system testing, in which you test partial or complete systems. When testing software, you should try to ‘break’ the software by using experience and guidelines to choose types of test case that have been effective in discovering defects in other systems. Wherever possible, you should write automated tests. The tests are embedded in a program that can be run every time a change is made to a system.

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 7 - Design and Implementation Approaches (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the lecture material Week 7 - Design and Implementation Approaches

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 7 - Design and Implementation Approaches
Design and implementation Is the stage in the software engineering process at which an executable software system is developed. activities are invariably inter-leaved. Design is a creative activity in which you identify software components and their relationships, based on a customer’s requirements. Implementation is the process of realizing the design as a program.

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[thumbnail of GCPH Lec 3 1617.mp3]
GCPH Seminar Series 2016-2017, Lecture 3: City neighbourhoods made by everyone for everyone.
Tessy Britton, Founder of Participatory City, London delivers the third lecture in this Seminar Series. Tessy describes the work of Participatory City and shares the research and analysis which has led to the development of a large scale Demonstration Neighbourhood in London. Participatory City is creating new structures designed to scale up practical participation, building collaborative activity into the fabric of everyday life and changing how we work together to achieve a more equal society. We all believe that people doing more things together will make our own and each other’s lives better. However, participation in neighbourhood projects is low. Wide spread participation in neighbourhoods is difficult to achieve and remains small and fragmented. While we stay attached to the notion of top down and bottom up we won’t be able to change the situation. Unless we redesign how participation works and invest in it properly we won’t be able to fully realise its potential as a key building block for building sustainable cities of the future. Realising the vision we have of vibrant places, made by everyone, for everyone, will require fundamentally changing the structures through which we work together.

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 6 - Architectural Design (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the lecture material Week 6 - Architectural Design

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 6 - Architectural Design
Topics covered Architectural design decisions Architectural views Architectural patterns Application architectures

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 5 - System Modelling (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the Lecture Material Week 5 - Systems Modelling

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 5 - Systems Modelling
Use case modelling Activity modelling Class modelling Database design

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Week 4 - Requirements Engineering (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the lecture material Week 4 - Requirements Engineering

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 4 - Requirements Engineering
This chapter is to introduce software requirements and to explain the processes involved in discovering and documenting these requirements in order to meet stakeholders' needs. You will : understand the concepts of user and system requirements and why these requirements should be written in different ways; understand the differences between functional and non-functional software requirements; understand the main requirements engineering activities of elicitation, analysis and validation and the relationships between these activities,. understand why requirements management is necessary and how it supports other requirements engineering activities.

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 3 - Agile Software Development
Topics Covered Agile methods Agile development techniques Agile project management Scaling agile methods

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[thumbnail of] [thumbnail of index.html]
Week 2 - Software Processes (Tutorial and Lab)
This is the Tutorial and Lab for Week 2 - Software Processes

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 2 - Software Processes
Topics covered Software process models Process activities Coping with change Process improvement

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[thumbnail of Changing_password/Changing_password.html]

[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 1 - Introduction to Software Engineering
Topics covered Professional software development What is meant by software engineering. Software engineering ethics A brief introduction to ethical issues that affect software engineering.

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[thumbnail of University Email/University Email.html]
University Email video
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[thumbnail of GCULearn/GCULearn.html]
GCU Learn video
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[thumbnail of Q7 v2.mp4]
MTD practice paper Q7 2016 solution

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Ad Hoc
Ad Hoc videos produced in response to student questions

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Ad Hoc
Ad Hoc videos produced in response to student questions

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[thumbnail of Item for SSNF newsletter_Aug2016.docx] [thumbnail of INSsPiRE_Dec_2015_1.jpg]
Founder members of INSsPiRE
Photo taken at first meeting of INSsPiRE in GCU London, December 2015

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International Network of Stroke secondary Prevention REsearchers

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International Network of Stroke secondary Prevention REsearchers

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[thumbnail of college_connect (web).mp4]
College Connect
A short Motion Graphics video featuring student testimonials regarding their experience of College Connect

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 9 - Case Study: Developing, testing and documentation classes.
Programming 1 - Week 9 Case Study: Developing, testing and documentation classes.

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[thumbnail of Hook and  Eye/Hook and  Eye.html]
Hook & Eye Writing (web)
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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 8 - Case Study: Creating an object-orientated program
Programming 1 - Week 8 Case Study: Creating an object-orientated program

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[thumbnail of PPT2016_4.mp4]
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[thumbnail of past paper tut 2016.pdf]
past paper tutorial 2016
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[thumbnail of PPT2016_3.mp4]
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[thumbnail of PPT2016_2.mp4]
Q2 video solution from PWs past paper questions 2016

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[thumbnail of PPT2016_1.mp4]
video solution to q1 from 2016 past papers

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MT&D PPT 2016 video solutions
video solutions to PWs 2016 exam questions for MSc MT&D

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MT&D PPT 2016 video solutions
video solutions to PWs 2016 exam questions for MSc MT&D

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 7 - Algorithms and method calls
Programming 1 - Week 7 Algorithms and method calls

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Week 6 - Writing Methods
Programming 1 - Week 6 Writing Methods

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Week 5 - Object Interaction
Programming 1 - Week 5 Object Interaction

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 4 - Adding Methods to a Class
Programming 1 - Week 4 Adding Methods to a Class

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 3 - Creating a Java Class
Programming 1 - Week 3 Creating a Java Class

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 2 - Writing Java Code
Programming 1 - Week 2 Writing Java Code

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[thumbnail of index.html]
Week 1 - Introduction to object-orientated programming.
Programming 1 - Week 1 Introduction to object-orientated programming

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[thumbnail of Harvard referencing guide v2.pdf] [thumbnail of Harvard referencing guide v2.docx]
GCU Library Harvard British Standard Referencing Guide : Updated January 2017
Library referencing guide, second edition.

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[thumbnail of Mannequin Challenge SHLS 2016 (1).mp4]
Mannequin Challenge GCU Student Nurses
Final skills session before first placement. Looking good!

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[thumbnail of test.html]
jQuery Example
jQuery show and hide

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[thumbnail of Hook & Eye 4.1.mp4] [thumbnail of Hook_and_Eye_Writing _4.2_4.3.mp4]
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Hook & Eye Writing videos
A series of short animated motion graphics videos developed for GSBS LDC explaining Hook & Eye Writing.

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