Number of items: 4.
Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 11
The 11th Healthier Future Forum took place on Thursday 31 March 2011 at Glasgow Science Centre. Taking the focus of 'a resilient Glasgow', this event presented indicators of progress and drew upon newly developed conceptual models to improve understanding about Glasgow's health. Delegates were encouraged to think about Glasgow's past, its present and its future and what might be the key components of a more resilient city. Includes contributions by TANNAHILL, Professor Carol; WHYTE, Bruce; HANLON, Professor Phil; WRIGHT, Nick.
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GCPH Thriving Communities: GCPH Connected City
Bruce Whyte, Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH), opens this collaborative session and introduces the Understanding Glasgow Website. He asks participants to review the website and give feedback on the positives and negatives of this tool. Graham Leicester, Glasgow Futures Forum, then instructs participants on using this tool to play 'The Glasgow Game' in order to suggest ways to improve and make Glasgow a Connected City. The participants are split into small groups to discus a variety of elements, such as mind set, economic participation, community safety, social capital, population, education, transport, poverty, cultural vitality. Thereafter, each group gives feedback to the larger group, the content from this will be published in a report by the GCPH.
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GCPH 2013 Symposium: From Early Understanding to New Perspectives - From Calton to Iraq and Back
In the opening session of this Symposium, Bruce White from the Glasgow Centre for Population Health delivered a presentation on the outputs the Centre has achieved over the last nine years. ‘From Calton to Iraq and back’ detailed a number of resources including the comprehensive report ‘Let Glasgow Flourish’, the film ‘Miniature Glasgow’ and the web resource ‘Understanding Glasgow’. He spoke on how these resources had been developed, how they had been used, how they could be used and what could be learned from the information gathered as a very strong theme of inequality continually presented itself.
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This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 05:12:37 2025 GMT.