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Browse by Course code: WEBS6202

Number of items: 11.
  1. [thumbnail of democratic_innovations.pdf]
    Democratic Innovations
    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  2. [thumbnail of OverviewOfAI.pdf]
    [thumbnail of Growing_the_artificial_intelligence_industry_in_the_UK.pdf]
  3. [thumbnail of Tutorial.pdf]
    WebDataRA: Using Social Media Data in Research
    The Web Data RA will capture Twitter, Facebook and Google data from a browser and allow you to paste a the information directly into a spreadsheet. This tutorial focuses on pursuing research questions using Twitter data.

    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  4. [thumbnail of Halford et al Pipeline DRAFT.pdf]
    [thumbnail of GROUND RULES FOR GROUP WORK.docx]
    Parliamentary Select Committees
    What kind of advice do people offer when Parliament asks for it? What seems to be effective?

    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  5. [thumbnail of Readings_in_Cybercriminality_2018.pdf]
    Practice Topic: Cybercrime
    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  6. [thumbnail of FakeNewsPresentation.pdf]
    Fake News
    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  7. [thumbnail of examproforma.pdf]
    [thumbnail of GrowingAI.pdf]
    Exam Overview
    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  8. [thumbnail of examproforma.pdf]
    Module Introduction
    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  9. [thumbnail of WebSci2018.pdf]
    Organised Crime
    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  10. [thumbnail of Open_Data_Johanna_Walker_2017.pptx] [thumbnail of Reading_for_seminar_JWOD160218.docx]
    Open Data Innovation
    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
  11. [thumbnail of ohara_reporting_skills_2017.pptx]
    How to Advise: Reporting Skills
    How to write advisory reports for government and corporations

    Shared with the World by Prof Leslie Carr
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